Well again Daniel has had some more seizures. Not sure why, could be the additional weight gain, or it could be his seizures are getting stronger, or the medication just isn't working anymore. All a bunch of "COULD
BE's" and the not knowing, absolutely drives me bonkers.
I am not a patient person to begin with, when
soemthing is going to happen I want to know all the details, don't leave anything out. I plan things way in advance, there are lists of what to do and when to do it. When I want something done, it is done NOW, when I say. I am not a person who can accept, "well we'll just have to wait and see". Pardon me? Do you know who you're talking to?? This must be some sort of cruel torture that someone is punishing me with. No I understand that no one has a crystal ball, but please
dont' tell me again, "well we'll just have to wait and see".
On another note...being a bit cranky this morning because I was worried about Daniel's seizures, we are sitting in a waiting room waiting for Brittany to get
done with her test. Daniel was tired and hungry so I was giving him his bottle (yes he is almost two and still takes a bottle but that is because he CAN'T drink
from a cup or a straw yet), so he is laying across my lap and I am holding his bottle. This old woman is bold enough to say (after staring for about 5 minutes off and on) "He's a little big to be drinking from a bottle.", imagine....deep breath, eyes shut, trying to gain my composure.....stay calm Mel, "he has special needs" END OF STORY right? You'd think any decent person would then shut up......but
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, not this old bitty! "Well at least he could hold his own bottle." I swear to God, it took everything in me not to put Daniel down and get up and whoop
this lady's a$$ right there in front of everyone. Another deep sigh, its
OK Mel, she's an ignorant A$$, "Well, Not that its any of your "beeping" business, but he has Cerebral Palsy......and that means, he can't control his arms and his legs, so I do it for him. Now, (snide look) anymore remarks?" In return I get a big huff. She's lucky that Daniel had fallen asleep by this time.......cause I wanted to rip her
frickin' head off. Mind your own business witch!
OK I'm done! Have a nice day! :)