He went trick or treating with his two nephews Zach (Dinosaur) and Chase (Monkey).
He only went around he block because we all know its not going to be Daniel eating the candy!!
Last week I asked that everyone say a little prayer for Trevor because he was having some major surgery.
Well this past weekend Daniel, Lonnie & I went to visit and offer our support. I will say it was probably a little selfish on my part because I wanted to meet Danielle a lot too. So we went for two reasons, one to show our support and offer our services if needed. And two because Danielle is a pretty cool person (so is her hubby). I have been following Trevor’s blog for quite a while and the way she writes and how she describes things always keeps me coming back for more. She has tons of information on Infantile Spasms and she is down to earth.
Well I am happy to report that Trevor did well during the seizures and they have only seen a few since the surgery but that is expected. I cannot imagine having to be in their shoes, making decisions that they had to make. Although if I were I would have opted just as they have. Incredible people.
Trevor is doing as well as can be expected, you should hop over there and check our his blog as she keeps it updated regularly. I am hoping we won’t see any posts about seizures, and we will see many many posts of how well Trevor is doing!!
It was great getting to meet the family, it was too bad it was under the circumstances it was. Maybe next year we can plan a get-together of a bunch of IS families here in Michigan!
We’ve been keeping busy over on our home front with lots of things with Daniel and making our fun little crowns.
Here are some examples in case you wanted to see. If not, hit that little “X” button in the top right corner! :)
Our Michigan College Crown (Lonnie refused to make the green and white one first!)
Our “Staff Spotlight” for the High School Teacher of the week crown (Done in the school colors)
Our “Golfer” crown. The tips are the golf balls...isn’t it cute?!!?
And of course we’ve been making quite a few of these bad boys for all the little boys!...Thomas the Tank Train, which we first made for Daniel on his 4th birthday.
And for the little girls the reversible crowns with the flower seem to be the hit of the party!
I think my next creation is going to be for Victoria and her “Fancy Nancy” costume. Still trying to figure out what I’m going to do for that one!
or one of the characters from the Disney Movie “Cars” (Mater or McQueen).
So when its too cold outside...we bring the fun stuff inside.
Here is Daniel enjoying his swing while I cook some warm food! He loves this swing. He’ll sit in it and reads his books to me. Its the cutest thing, I’ll put him in there with his boppy on his lap and the book. He’ll look at the page and jibber jabber and look up at me to make sure I’m looking at the page, then he’ll turn to the next page and we’ll do it all over again! Its a hoot!
Of course with the cooler weather comes football season. And with football season comes the girls Powder puff game at the high school. Tori played for the Juniors this past weekend and they won against the Seniors 21-14.
Why they would pick Tori (petite little girl) to play center is beyond me! But we were out there showing our support...
With all of her face paint, Daniel didn’t realize it was her at first until she started talking to him. And then he was still a bit leery. She’s #65 or the fool with the black,white and blue strips on her face!
Well it is definitely fall in Michigan.
Its cold in the mornings, jackets are needed, and the weather is the type where you just want to stay in the warmth of your bed when the alarm goes off!
Of course who wouldn't want to stay snuggled up to this?
We’ve got our own personal furnace. The body heat that radiates off this child is unbelievable! And thank goodness he loves to cuddle up and spoon!
We joke about it all the time and call him “Velcro” because he gets into these moods where he is stuck to you and if you move he will wake up until you snuggle back up!
Even his littlest nephew comes over to snuggle with him sometimes! As you can see he is everyone’s favorite “Snuggle Buddy”
Today Daniel and Caitlin made homemade play dough. I used to make play dough all the time with the girls when they were younger. We’d modify the recipe all the time and use powdered kool-aid mix to make it smell better and brighter colors. Well Caitlin being all grown up now and making it for the kids in her classroom came up with this concoctions.
Of course she had Daniel helping mix everything up with his own cooking stuff (IKEA has the best kid-size pots and pans!)
We also got this really neat little table that he can roll right up too. Its adjustable and is great for so many activities!! (Another IKEA find)
So incase any of you other wonderful parents out there want to get into the fall season and Halloween/thanksgiving time. I have supplied the recipe!
Very simple – homemade ingredients so if someone by chance decides to chomp on a piece of the play dough, they shouldn’t get sick!
1 c cold water
1 Tbs vegetable oil
1/2 c salt
1 Tbs cream of tartar
2 drops red food coloring
3 drops yellow food coloring
2 Tbs pumpkin pie spice
1 c flour
Combine water, oil, salt, cream of tartar, and food coloring in saucepan, heat until warm and salt has blended. Remove from heat and add flour, until slightly thick and then put on a floured counter (so it won’t stick).
Add slowly an additional cup of flour or more as needed . Knead in the extra flour until a good play dough consistency.
Note: The recipe calls for 1 c of flour but we always end up adding somewhere around 2 cups. This can be stored in a zip lock bag for 6 months. Or you can put it in a little container like we got from the $1 section at target.