Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Internet Searches!

Can you imagine living without the Internet?
Sheesh, what did we do when I was a younger?  Heck, if you had a computer you were doing good!
Well I'm attempting to try to find some things and can you imagine how much time you'd spend running from store to store back in the day?  Heck now all you have to do is type something on the keyboard and voila....you know the prices and if they are in stock!  

This weekend I was looking for a vanity.  After looking for about 10 minutes, I got sidetracked. 

I ended up clicking among the list of stores that are associated with the vanities.  Next thing I know - Hubby is asking me if I found what I was looking for....(tee hee hee) "Ah yeah I did, I'll get right on that!"

So yesterday was the first day of summer.
My goal is to get Daniel outside as much as possible, so imagine how excited I was when I found this swing along with what I was originally looking for!  Bonus!

I can wait to tell you how this works for Daniel!  Pictures to come!!!
sheesh.....and hopefully Hubs won't realize the extra cost on the final bill! 
Life is good!

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