Thursday, June 30, 2011

June has just SUCKED

Schools out and summer is suppose to be this glourious time, beautiful weather yada yada yada...

June SUCKED, its plain and simple.
Between me being sick and having surgery, recovering from the issues with that.  Daniel being sick, teething, doctors appointments and just not sleeping well.  Other peoples scheduled with the month of June....Therapies have almost been non existent. Speech WAS completely out because of his therapists surgery, I totally understand...shit has to make adjustments- COMPLETELY understand, when one of the therapists has to call off occassionally because of outside life issues.  I realise things aren't perfect and that they have lives that they need to take care of too, but I do not EVER attempt to make someone feel like crap.

But nothing is more crappy feeling than KNOWING you're missing all these dates-feeling bad about them, then for outside sources to make you feel guilty about it too.  Then there is no one to ask for help because the ones that you would trust with your child....have their own issues to worry about, or just simply are too busy to have to deal with your life.  Dad can't miss work or there is the possibilities that that would make you look bad at work and you'll be let go.

So what have I learned during June?  if your the stay at home mom, your on your own.  People tell you to take are of yourself cause if you don't whose going to take care of Daniel....well I understand that all fine, but its a matter of getting all those appointments to coexist with the other scheduled appointments and trying to figure out what your going to do with the little one while you are getting your exam at the doctor! Your that when your appointment is, is when you're suppose to be driving to another appointment or your child needs to be feed before driving to the next appointment.
Being at "stay at home mom" is kind of a weird title to be called....because sometimes I feel like I am a "never at home mom".

Yep another "bitch"post. 

Source: None via Katey on Pinterest

Monday, June 20, 2011

May June Update

Lets see if I know where to start to do updates

  • Daniel is HUGE.  Well in my eyes anyways.  48" tall and 45-50 lbs  To me that is one big kid
  • He just got Botox for the first time in both of his legs between the buttock and knee. 3 shots each leg (I believe a total of 125 was the dosage) and two shots in his left forearm to help with the bending in his wrist.  His hips look good...according to the dr.
  • We haven't been to speech therapy in about 6 weeks because his SLP had some medical issues but we are hoping to get back into it very soon
  • We got his EyePoint and are hoping to get heavily into it with the SLP again.
  • He has used the Spider Cage a few times at PT/OT but we've missed a lot this last month as Daniel and I have had some medical issues.  Also the therapists had some end of the school year things with their kiddos or just vacation time.
  • Had our IEP.  SIGH!  As far as I can say right now it turned out pretty good with the help of the advocate.  Daniel will be in general ed class with a total of 30-90 minutes a week in the special ed class.  He will have two hours a week of adaptive gym from outside sources because they are not equipped to do it.  So we are currently doing horse therapy and swimming, fully paid for by school district.  They are also modifying the school areas and getting equipment that will be needed for Daniel.  They do not have other children like Daniel. Although to throw a big "oh crap" in there, the class just got changed from a 1/2 day to a full day - I am not sure how we are going to be able to do this.
Other than that....we are about the same