Walked 30 minutes on the treadmill
Total of 575 m (which is 1887 feet or .357 of a mile)
Ms. Terri said that most kids only go 15 minutes at the beginning because they get to tired, and through the next 8 weeks work up the the 45 minute walk.
She thinks Daniel will be at 45 minutes by his third session (Friday)
How great is that?!?!
We still don't have insurance approval. We're still fighting for that. But how can we NOT do it?! Of course when we're living in a giant cardboard box...I hope there is enough room for him to walk around! ;)
I love that!! Way to go Daniel!!
OMG! Thanks for ruining my make up this morning! I can't help but have the tears flowing! That is incredibly awesome! Treadmill training rocks & that machine just makes it kick a$$!
The Climb always makes me think of Meghan & our kids. I always get misty eyed when it comes on.
Woo hoo! Way to go Daniel! I LOVE that video. He looks so tall. I am so excited that he liked it. And who can blame him for wanting to look at himself - it is a pretty cool sight. OK, have to get a tissue now...
He looks SOOO good! I can just see him! I'm so excited you guys are able to do this! Go Daniel!
Oh beautiful!
Go, Daniel, go!!!!
Also, Melanie, you are too funny.
That is truly incredible! I can see how money becomes secondary to seeing the miracle of Daniel walking. Though insurance coveraing it would be WAY better!
Wow that's awesome. What kind of insurer would think that this is not medically necessary. Hmm - makes me angry.
Wow, that is SO cool! Go Daniel Go!!!
delurking (a long time follower) to say - Wow, that is so cool!! And what a handsome young man.
He looks so proud of himself.
WTG Daniel!!
Maybe send that video, along with the therapists notes and justification, to your Insurance Company. Maybe that would help???! Melanie!
That wonderful result is in part due to the prior work you and Daniel have done - of which standing is very important.
Best part, does not end here.
What a beautiful sight.
OMG! Daniel looks so amazing and happy walking. You must send that video to the insurance company, it is awesome!!!
Wow this is amazing!!! Go Daniel!!!!
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