<-----Sweet isn't it? I love it. The swirls, the colors and the font. I couldn't have gotten a cuter one.
Thank you Tara! Check out her new blog....I think I have a new hobby coming up.
Couple things I don't come out and tell people...I have a few addictions. Not horribly bad addictions, but addictions none the less.
1) I LOVE crafty things. I study things and try to figure out how I can make them myself. I've done things I am not proud of, so that I can "try" a new craft. Example- back in the day I was reading a DIY magazine on redoing your kitchen. I really wanted leaded glass cupboard doors. I had solid wood at the time. I made up an excuse as to why I accidentally cut a perfect rectangle into the cupboard. Which I then said...well its messed up now... I might as well give it a shot and see if I can do it!! I like to teach myself how to do things.
2) I LOVE those little cookbooks that are in the aisle as your checking out at the grocry store. I am addicted to them. I don't necessarily cook much from them, but love to look through them. I have been banned from getting anymore. I have collected close to 100 or so over the years without any duplicates! I dream of making the things in the books, but know that I never will be able to because everyone in my family are such picky eaters.
3) I have Blog-Envy. There I said it. I love reading blogs but when I see those ones that are all fancy and look way cool...I get jealous. I want to be able to do all those cool things, and design my own blog. I have the vision of what I want.........now I just have to figure out how to do it.
Yeah, I guess I could buy a template. BUT what fun is that? Then I don't have braggin' rights!
So I happened to find Tara's blog the other night....I asked a question and she made me my own signature! How sweet is that! Now I just have to learn how she did it! :)
I guess you could say that my mind is a little warped because I've got these desires to be really creative and I always have to prove to myself that I can figure it out and do it. It doesn't always have to be better than anyone elses...just that can figure it out on my own to my liking.
Maybe one day I'll post of pictures of my failed attempts of craftiness and cooking and some of my successes! Who am I kidding I don't have any photos of failed attempts---I throw those out before anyone sees them!!
Thanks again Tara!
It is super cute! I too like to figure things out on my own with the blog. The favicon was tough and I needed the hubs help but I got it and saved spending the $15 to have someone else do it.
That sigi is soo cool! I need to learn to speak HTML pretty soon!!!! ;)
very cool that was so sweet of Tara!
But Melanie i have to tell you something, I have blog envy of your blog. It's pretty cool you have to admit your hats are totally amazing and your raising money for Daniel. I love how your whole family comments or sometimes posts for you. Your blog is one of my favorites.
I am a self taught blog designer. It really isn't hard once you learn it. The best resource is at
They have a tutorial page to walk you through how to do everything.
As long as you know how to use Photoshop - or whatever program you have - you CAN do it! :)
I'd be happy to help you.
Also, you can get FREE kits at http://digifree.blogspot.com/
Check it daily. you just download them onto your computer, unzip the file, and then use the elements in your designs or digital scrapbooking. It's so fun!
I hate to break it to you, but you have a really cute blog right here!!!! It is fun to learn new bloggy-tricks, though. It's like decorating.
I like that signature. I too have blog envy. I wish I could do all kinds of creative things to my blog. I got all excited when I figured out how to change the font in the html formatting - how sad is that?
Thanks to those who gave me links so I can start doing this stuff on my own. BUT I have so many ideas and I'm sure that Tara will appreciate you giving me places too...so I don't have to keep bugging her!
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