Can you believe we're already in the fourth month of 2009??
Holy cow! I know we've spent the last month of it sick and out of school!! I am hoping April will go better for Daniel.
Here is an update since its been a little while since I've posted.
Chase Daniel is at home with his mommy and big brother Zachary (who just adores him)
Chase wasn't suppose to be here yet but that's OK...he just didn't want to share all the birthday's that come in April!! Below is the picture of Daniel when I am holding his baby nephew...he's not taking to Chase very well. Thank goodness Daniel is the youngest of my children...I think he'd have problems with a baby around. What do you think? This is the first stage of his boo-boo lip.
My sister Aimee (next one older than me) has moved to Texas. Boo hoo hoo. So if any of you are from Texas and you see the new girl who lives in Denton....that's my sister so be nice!!
Our caterpillars are now in their cocoons or whatever they are called. Can't contain my excitement!
Daniel rocked therapy today. We are getting him back into the groove of things very slowly. He has been so sick and his body stressed since January but especially this past month. With being so sick and missing school and therapy he has definitely lost some strength and endurance. But I am proud to say that he is consistently going potty on the potty!!!
Potty on the potty?!? How cool is that? I'm so very excited for Daniel. Way to go!! We are waiting on Logan's potty chair. Hopefully we'll have it in the next two weeks or so. If I need some tips on how to help Logan be successful at it, I'm totally knocking down your door. It's all so new to me. Plus, little Levi is about at that age. Maybe I'll be training both at the same time. Who knows...
BTW, Daniel is precious as can be. I just love the pouty lips. I so wanna give him a little squeeze for being so darn cute.
Glad to hear Chase is home with Momma and brother. Can't wait to see more pictures.
Congrats the new addition to your family. I love the picture of Daniel.
YAY for the big boy potty!!!
Hey. Congrats on Chase!
That photo totally made me smile. I am glad Daniel is on the mend. And impressed about the potty. Can he please come over and give Max some inspiration?
Caterpillars creep me out a bit because when I was little, we were at a place that had a gypsy moth infestation and caterpillars were crawling EVERYWHERE. I've obviously never recovered. :)
yea big boy daniel!!!! potty dance!
oh those caterpillars are sick and i dont even mind bugs.
Daniels boo boo lip is the saddest thing ive ever seen.
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